These devices are designed for receiving, storing and dispensing liquid and gaseous products under excess pressure up to 10 MPa (100 kg/cm2) and temperatures from 63 K (-210°С ) to 973 K (+700°С ), as well as at atmospheric pressure and in vacuum (with a residual pressure of at least 5 mmHg). Manufactured according to catalogue “Steel welded tanks and vessels”, published by TSINTIKHIMNEFTEMASH, as well as according to individual engineering designs.
Tanks and vessels produced can be of two types: horizontal (GEE/ГЭЭ, GKK/ГКК, EP/ЕП, EPP/ЕПП) and vertical (VEE/ВЭЭ, VEP/ВЭП, VPP/ВПП, VKP/ВКП). Each type is manufactured complete with simple interior arrangement: stairs, partitions, baffle plates, and is also equipped with internal heat exchangers. The devices are made all-welded or from separate blocks, proceeding from the conditions of transportation and installation of the devices at the customer’s request.
Tanks and vessels are used in processing lines in oil refining, petrochemical, chemical, gas and many other related industries.
Head of non-standard equipment sales department:
Valentina Shvetsova
8(8313) 24-92-46 доб.107
Sales Manager:
Kseniya Zapasova
8(8313) 24-92-46 доб.329